Submit your Parking Spot Artwork here!!
Report a vehicle in your spot
Parking Application Process
Step 1 – Complete the “Safe Behind the Wheel” myLearning course.
Students are only required to take this course once for all four years of high school. It is recommended to take the course as a refresher each year. Students still need to complete this course even if they have completed Driver’s Education.
CLICK HERE to join the
SAFE BEHIND THE WHEEL myLearning course.
Step 2 – Pay the Student Parking Fee of $40 ($20 for Semester 2 Only)
Student parking hang tags cost $40 ($20 for semester 2 only) each. If a tag needs to be replaced for any reason, then the student is responsible for paying an additional fee of $40 ($20 for semester 2 only) for each new tag.
Students need to complete the Student Parking Pass Application, Safe Behind the Wheel course, and payment in order to receive a parking tag.
Tags will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
Parking fee will open on August 2nd.
Step 3 – Complete the Student Parking Application (This MUST be completed each year)
To complete the Student Parking Application, students must have a legible photograph, scanned copy, or screenshot of a VALID:
- Driver’s License
- Auto Insurance Card
- Vehicle Registration Card
to upload into the application. If you want to register multiple vehicles for the same student, then complete a separate application for each vehicle.
To request a handicapped parking spot, email Mrs. Overbeck with your request and supporting documentation prior to submitting Student Parking application.
CLICK HERE to fill out the CCHS Parking Application
Step 4 – Get your hangtag
During the first few weeks of school, hang tags will be distributed through the first on-campus teacher on the student’s schedule. The date of distribution will be announced via morning announcements, social media, and announced at lunch. If the completed application is received after the beginning of year distribution, then the hang tag will be delivered directly to the student during the school day or can be picked up in Student Services.
Parking Map
CLICK HERE for the
Learner’s Permit Application
This application is for students who do NOT yet have a driver’s license.
Learner’s Permit Guidelines
- If approved, the Learner’s Permit application grants parents access to the student parking at the end of the school day where they may switch places with the student driver.
- Parents/student drivers are not permitted to switch seats in the car loop.
- Once a Learner’s permit pass is issued through 1-10 (closest to the tennis courts) to switch seats with their student.
- The Learner’s permit pass must be clearly displayed in the windshield to enter Student Parking.
- The Learner’s permit pass must be returned to Student Services prior to receiving a Student Parking Pass or the end of the school year.